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In a world wrought with noise, disconnection, and violence, many people are rediscovering the power of silence. It’s not just a spiritual practice for monks; it can also be a tool for social change.

Taking a vow of silence is an ancient practice in various religions to help devotees deepen their relationship with God by delving into spiritual introspection during a period known as the Great Vow. Silence typically occurs between the hour of Compline (night prayer) and Lauds (morning prayer), and can include specific work periods and places where speech is strictly forbidden.

Rediscover Calm: Exploring the World of Quiet Monk

Denis grew up in Cork, the bustling capital of Ireland’s south coast. But every few months he’d retreat to the countryside, where his Trappist monastery ran 800 acres of forestry and farming. It was there that he realized that his life’s work was to serve others by letting them speak their hearts—a practice of compassionate mindfulness.

He was the first of his family to become a monk, and when he arrived at the monastery he joined a community that hosted silent retreats for women. He found it was easier than he expected, and it changed the way he saw his own life.

Then came a call to help a woman in need and the Community of Grandchamp was born. Today, it is one of a handful of Protestant monastic communities across Europe that facilitate healing for a troubled continent. Their secret weapon: a powerful silence that lets in God’s voice, which is heard even louder when it is silent.

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